Thursday, March 17, 2011

248th Post Jesus on Evil Spirits Con't. - Matthew 12: 43 - 45 Con't.

The evil spirit finding the man's heart empty, he goes and finds seven other spirits worse than himself, and they enter the man. The man's situation is much worse now, then it was at first. All because he did not act on the good fortune of having God casting the evil spirit out of him in the first place. This was spoken over 2,000 years ago, but it is still relevant today. Hearing God's Word is not enough, we are called to put His Words into practice. Many people flocked to see and hear Jesus when He talked, but never thought to do anything about the words he spoke. To them it was a form of entertainment, or an escape from the rest of the world. People attend Churches today and do the same thing. They listen to the message and go home feeling good, but do nothing to try to live the way preacher laid out. If this convicts you, God is telling you to start to put into practice what the preachers and teachers are telling you. You will end up in a worse place by not doing God's will. Jesus whole teaching was based on cleaning up your own life first, and then go out and minister to others. When you live in this way, the evil spirit that came out of you, will not be able to re-enter again. Before you knew God, you were full of evil, this is because we are born with a sinful nature. Don't believe me?? Which parent taught the child to misbehave?? The child learns this on their own, they are not always taught. God gave us free choice, we just seem more inclined to pick that which is evil over that which is good. This is why we need God's Word to show us how to live.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, Mr. Tom! "Which parent taught the child to misbehave??" (I know some parents who, if asked that question, would readily point the finger at their spouse!)

    One small, raised eyebrow though. Was it "good fortune" or "God's grace" that the evil spirit was cast out of the man?

    Richard N.
