Monday, March 14, 2011

245th Post Jesus Said on the Holy Spirit Con't. - John 6: 63

John 6: 63
It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
These words were spoken by Jesus after He fed the 5,000 and walked on water. These words were spoken right after he told the multitude that they would have to eat His body and Drink His Blood, in order to be a part of Him. Jesus would later establish this on Maundy Thursday, the Sacrament of Communion. This was not a good day for Jesus, He was talking about Spiritual things and the crowd was hearing the message in physical terms. The Jews knew that eating and drinking ones' flesh was an abomination against God. At least twice in Jewish history some of the people had done this, due to sieges against their strong hold cities, there was no food and they were trying to stay alive. These were dark times when they did this. Jesus lost a lot of His supporters that day, He turned to His disciples and asked if they would leave Him also? Peter answered "Lord where shall we go?" If you look at the passage above carefully, Jesus is clearly talking to them about Spiritual things. In the time of the Apostles, you will learn more about the Holy Spirit. Holy Communion is now one of the Church's most sacred Sacraments. It strengthens us.

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