Thursday, March 31, 2011

266th Post Jesus Said on The Kingdom of God Con't. - Luke 13: 24 - 30 Con't.

The Master gets up and closes the door, people start to gather out side asking to be let in, and they are sent away being told the Master does not know them. What is Jesus telling the people here? Jesus was telling the people, that just because Jesus taught in your town, that does not save you. We have people attending our churches, believing that they will go to heaven, because they have perfect attendance in church. They like these people in Jesus story will find themselves outside the door. To be a Christian means you are trying to live a life like Christ, this requires doing and not just hearing only. The people in the towns where Jesus taught, heard His message, saw His miracles, but continued to live their live their lives as they had done before. Part of being a Christian is correcting the worldly parts of your life, and put on the Godly parts. When you do this you do not stay the same. The passage goes on to say that you will watch Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Prophets come in and take their seats, and people from the four corners of the world will come and take the seats, the people who heard but did not do seats. To make matters worse, Jesus tells them to go where there is darkness and gnashing of teeth. This will mean total separation from God. This is our choice today. Where will you weigh in??

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