Tuesday, March 22, 2011

254th Post Jesus Warning Against Signs Con't. - Matthew 16: 2 -4 Con't.

Jesus called this generation wicked and adulterous because they were not living the way God had instructed them. Wicked, because they were living in the world, and not for God. Adulterous, because they were following other gods and trying to follow the One True God also. We can make the same statements about our own generation. More and more of us are believing that all roads due in fact lead to heaven. This is not true! All roads lead to the Cross!! At some point, you will have to Face Jesus, you will have to do business with Him, and depending what happens there decides where you will end up. Jesus Himself said "Wide is the road that leads to destruction, and narrow is the path that leads to Heaven, and few find it." This seems to tell a different story altogether. Jesus when He mentions Jonah again, He is telling them again about His up coming death. Jesus will be three days in the ground, and then He will rise. We will get into how how Jesus changed the cross from a cursed thing to a powerful symbol of His divine Power; when this study looks at Jesus suffering and death, and why that had to happen. And who actually Killed Jesus! The answer may surprise you. You will just have to wait until I blog on that, later. I hope these blogs on signs have helped you to understand what was and is a stake here, and how important it is to be able to decipher the signs of the times.

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