Tuesday, March 22, 2011

255th Post Jesus Warning Against Signs Con't. - Matthew 24: 24

Matthew 24: 24 From Jesus Olivet Discourse from the Mount of Olives.
For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
This was spoken by Jesus at the end of His earthly ministry. This is one of those passages that give me trouble in believing in the pre-trib rapture. If the pre-trib rapture happens, we will be caught in the air before the anti-christ can appear. If this proves to be true, then who are these elect, Jesus is talking about that will witness this?? Unfortunately chapter 24 of Matthew is full of these types of quotes from Jesus, that cause me to study and meditate on. You could make the case for every generation since Jesus left this world until He comes back have had to deal with some form of anti-christ. The Abomination that causes Desolation, was spoken by Daniel twice. Daniel calls him the little horn, there was one that Daniel talked about that arrived on the earth during the period between Malachi and Matthew around 160 B.C. and was from the Greek Domination period of the world. Daniel talked about another little horn that would come out of the ruined Roman Empire, according to Daniel we are in the period of iron and clay feet of the statue mentioned in chapter 2 of Daniel. The feet have ten toes, these toes are to be the modern kingdoms of the ruined Roman Empire, the anti-christ will come from this area. It will not be from an existing rule like the little horn Daniel talked about in the Greek era. I have run out of room again will continue next post.

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