Wednesday, March 16, 2011

246th Post Jesus Said on Evil Spirits New Subject - My Comments

Jesus taught about the fact that the Devil and Evil Spirits do exist. If Satan did not exist, then Jesus would not have to die on the cross. Satan caused Eve to eat of the fruit, and she in turn gave it to Adam to eat. God held Adam as more responsible because God told Adam directly, and Adam was supposed to advise Eve. The Devil is the supreme evil, and his follower's are the evil spirits. These spirits can cause us as Christians to stumble and fall. They do this by coming to us as good spirits. How then, can we know the difference? This is a good question. We as believer's need to remember that God can not lie or contradict Himself. The Bible is God's Truth for us to read and learn. The Apostle Paul told us on various occasions to test the spirits, before believing them. This is our problem, we are to test them to discover who they are before we listen to them. Jesus told us we are to wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Evil spirits and the devil can not tell the truth, this is how you can expose them. God is stronger than the devil, this is why God will win in the end. Why does it seem that the devil is in charge of the world? This is probably the hardest thing for us humans to understand. Why doesn't God take back what is His? God will, He is delaying, because He wants as many people to come back to Him, as possible, before He passes judgment. When judgment starts, grace ends. Please do business with Jesus before this happens.

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