Thursday, June 2, 2011

316th Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - Prayers of Jesus Con't. - John 17: 14-15 Con't.

John 17: 14 - 15 Continued.
This was spoken by Jesus in the upper room the night He was to be betrayed. We were looking at why the world hated Jesus, and now His disciples. People think that being a Christian is easy. We are not required to do anything, all we have to do is believe, right? Believing is more than just saying you believe. There has to be proof that you believe. The proof is the difference in your life from what the world says. As a believer, you will start to treat people differently, with respect, for you know that they have worth as for being part of God's creation. Your language will change, because you know that some words are offensive and may hurt others. You will stop taking the Lord's name in vain. You will stop going and doing things you used to do, because God may tell you this is offensive. These are just some of the ways, your life will show change. If your life has no change, maybe you need to look into this further. The last part of the passage we are looking at in these two posts, deal with Jesus not asking the Father to take us out of the world, but to protect us from the evil one. Jesus wants us to be in the world, because if we were taken out, how could we convict the world?? Jesus asked the Father to keep us from the evil one. This is to protect us from moral corruption. We have free choice, and it is this free choice that gets us into trouble. It makes us become compliant, and lazy, when we are in this state, we are easy prey for evil to come in and corrupt us. We can not fall from without, but we sure can from within! Are you walking? Or are you parked?? You have the power to change what needs changing.

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