Tuesday, June 28, 2011

328th Post Jesus Admonitions & Exhortations Con't. - New Section Charging His Disciples.

New Section Charging His Disciples.
As we have observed, by the people Jesus called to follow Him (His disciples). We have seen that Jesus has not done what was usual. Now Jesus is telling His disciples, if you want to continue to follow, you must be prepared to help continue My work. It was usual, at this time, for the students to continue the teaching of others; Jesus' Disciples also had to do this, but they were to continue healing the sick, the lame, blind and lepers. To do this, they had to be mobile; most teachers had a place where people would come to them. Jesus and His follower's would go to the people. This was new. This new group was to be able to not only know Jesus' teachings, but also be able to model the teaching as well. This was not new to God's Word, but the teachers at that time were not practicing what they taught. The same can be said about us today. For the most part, Christians are looked on as hypocrites, do as I say, not as I do! This is not the teaching of Jesus. Many Christians go to Church, give money to Missions, and then overlook the mission field in their own Church, and community. To reverse this trend, we must think globally and work locally. If you don't know where to start, start within your own Church. You know people who have needs, part of being a Christian family is filling those needs, not just identifying them and praying about them. Praying is a start, but doing is what is required. Is Jesus calling you to become a doer instead of a listener only?? Only you can answer His call!!

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