Monday, June 20, 2011

325th Post Jesus Said Concerning Admonitions & Exhortations Con't. - Luke 9:60

Luke 9:60
Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.
This was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 years into his earthly ministry. Jesus spoke these words just before He sent out the 72 disciples to try to minister on their own. This was right after he told the scribe that foxes have holes... Jesus asked another person to follow Him and he said, he must first bury his father. The passage mentioned above is an answer to that statement. Jesus was telling His follower's what the cost of discipleship was. The first Commandment is "To have no other Gods before Me." When God calls you, He demands your 100% attention. On the surface it looks like Jesus is not very understanding concerning the man's dead father. This was not the case. The man was responsible for his father until he died. At this time the father was very much alive. This man could not give God 100% of his time, because he still had to care for his father. This is the point Jesus was trying to make. If you follow God sometimes and the world the rest of the time, you are a hypocrite. You can not give your best if you are living this way. You have to make a decision, to either live completely for God or the world, you can not serve both. The question is the same today as it was at the time Jesus spoke these words. Where do you weigh in?? If you don't like the answer there is still time to make a change.

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