Saturday, June 4, 2011

319th Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - Jesus Prayer Con't. - John 17: 20 - 24- Con't.

John 17: 20 - 24.
Jesus is binding all believer's from the time began, until He comes again in this passage. Jesus starts out with the ones, who believed but died before the promise could be realized. Those are the remnant of the Old Testament. There has been a lot of bad teaching concerning this, through the years. There is going to be one place that all believer's go, to be with Christ. The believing Old Testament Jews and proselytites will be part of this group, along with those who know only Jesus. One group is not favored over another, we are all together at the same time. Jesus said that this has been the plan from before the foundation of the world. Notice the word "may", contrary to popular belief, there is never a point in time where free choice goes away. If there is such a verse in the Bible I have not found it. Being one of God's chosen, requires that you continue to improve your relationship with Jesus everyday. As your relationship improves so does your walk, you become more Christ-like everyday. If you have lived your life correctly, at the point of death, you will be the most Christ-like, you can be, until God finishes the work He started in you. The world should start to persecute you because of your walk, if you have no persecution, maybe you need to look at your walk. Change what needs changing. There is still time!

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