Wednesday, June 29, 2011

329th Post Jesus On Admonitions & Exhortations Con't. - Charging His Disciples Con't. - Matthew 9: 37 & 38.

Matthew 9: 37 & 38.
The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
This was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. Jesus is showing that He is the Messiah the Old Testament talks about, by showing concern for His people. He spoke these words around the Sea of Galilee, which is very fertile farm land. The people listening to Jesus, may have thought He was talking about farming. Jesus was really talking about Spiritual Farming, harvesting people for God. Look at what Jesus sees, He sees a land that is full of people not committed to God, and He tells the disciples not to do the work of the laborers, but to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to provide laborers. The Lord of the Harvest is the Holy Spirit. It is His job to make the people's minds ready to receive the Word of God. He also calls the workers to do His work, and He equips them to do this work. When you pray in this way, you are using God's Power to help with the problem. We as Christians, sometimes use prayer as a last resort, instead of our first plan of action. If your intentions are in God's Will, He will bless it! You are called to be more than just a student of His Word; you are required to live His Words as well. How are you doing in the doing department?? Only you and God know the answer to that question. If you don't like what you see, you can change it with God's help. All you have to do is ASK!

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