Saturday, June 11, 2011

322nd Post Jesus Teachings Admonitions And Exhortations Con't. - Matthew 4:19.

Matthew 4: 19.
"Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
This was spoken by Jesus at the Beginning of His earthly ministry, He spoke these words to Peter and the crowd that was there. To understand this passage completely, you need and understanding of Jewish social life. Matthew has told you a lot of information in this short passage.
Jesus said "Follow Me". Why would Peter and the crowd that was there want to do that? The Jewish boys started going to school at the age of 5 to learn to read and write Hebrew, so that they could read and discuss the Torah in the Synagogue, when they became men. When the boys had reached the age of 13 years, they were to be Bar Mizvahed. This is a Jewish ceremony marking a milestone the boy had left being a child as was now considered a man. The Rabi teaching the boy, would know by age 13 if he had the heart for God needed to become a religious leader. If this was the case the Rabi, would instruct him further in school. If the boy did not seem to have this gift, he was given back to the father and was instructed to teach him a trade. The fact that Jesus was calling Peter by the Sea of Galilee, and mentioned "fish", you could guess that Peter was a fisherman. Giving you the background for this passage has taken up all of this post, so I will continue next post.

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