Saturday, June 11, 2011

323rd Post Jesus Said on Admonitios And Exhortations Con't. - Matthew 4: 19 Con't.

When Jesus came by and said to Peter "Follow Me". This was a second chance for Peter to be a religious follower. Rabbi's would gather students in this way. Remember this was early in Jesus ministry, and he already had two followers. These two were given Him by John the Baptist, when John the Baptist told John and Andrew, his followers to follow Jesus. Andrew is the brother of Peter. Now the final part of this passage, "I will make you fishers of men." I am sure when Jesus spoke those words to Peter, he had no idea what was going to happen next. Peter just left his boat and his nets, and started to follow Jesus. Put yourself, in Peter's position, you have a job, a house a wife, responsibility. This guy comes up to you, that you have never seen before and asks you to follow Him. What would you do?? Would you freely give up all you know to follow something you don't know?? This is exactly what Peter did. Do you have enough faith to do the same?? Granted, we were not there, and we have not seen Jesus. Maybe Jesus' presence was enough for you to believe anything He told you. Maybe the Holy Spirit was already at work within Peter, making Jesus' words find fertile soil in his heart, helping him to make that decision. All of these factors are still around today. Are you brave enough to follow Jesus?? All it takes is asking the Holy Spirit to come into your life and make you better, by turning from your sinful ways. If you have done that, go to Church and tell the pastor you want Jesus to run your life. It is up to you!!

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