Tuesday, June 7, 2011

321st Post Jesus Said to His Followers - New Section Admontitions & Exhortations.

This is a new section that we will be looking into in greater detail in the following posts. Admonitions and Exhortations, if you look these words up in the dictionary, admonish means to correct strongly. Exhortation means to correct stronger than admonish. Not sure I will keep this title when I re-print. Part of Jesus' reason for coming to earth was to correct the things we as humans had gotten wrong from the original words given by Moses. Pharisees and the Sadducees, had started teaching according to their own understanding of the Scriptures, instead of God's. This has been a problem all through out our history. For what ever reason, we want to interpret what God says, instead of following it. When ever this is done, we get off track from what God really says, and we go off believing something entirely different. A classic example is how end times are interpreted. We had a guy say the world would end, on a particular date, without any fear, that Jesus Himself said, "No one knows the Hour or the Day I will return. Only the Father in Heaven knows." The date came and went, nothing happened, and now this guy has set a new date. Why are you still listening to him? To speak for God, you have to be 100% accurate!! That is the truth! We are still struggling with this, because it is human nature to interpret God's Word according to our own understanding, instead of God's. Will you be fooled??

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