Friday, April 1, 2011

267th Post Jesus Said on The Kingdom of God Con't. - Luke 17: 20 - 21.

Luke 17: 20 - 21.
The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, "See here!" or "See there!" For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.
This was spoken by Jesus toward the end of His earthly Ministry. This passage fits nicely with the previous post. Jesus says the Kingdom does not come with observation. This means, you can not see or comprehend it merely by hearing or seeing. You must be doing also, this is the only way to prove that it is indeed inside you. Many are doing, but not with God inside of them. These are the people spoken about in my blog yesterday. They have never actually made the commitment to follow Jesus. These are doing, because it looks good on my resume', or I have seen others doing likewise. Or I think this is expected of me. When you have the Kingdom of God within you, you do because you are doing for Jesus. This is totally different. When you do something for God it costs you something, maybe time, money, and always comes at a time that is not convenient. This is how you will know it is of God. If your work for God is not costing you anything, maybe you should take another look at the reasons you are doing what you are doing.
Where is the Kingdom of God for you? It should be in your heart! Only you can put it there!

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