Monday, May 2, 2011

299th Post Jesus Said Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - Comment on Peace and Rest Con't.

In the previous post we looked at God's definition of peace, that was the first part of this promise the second part is rest. God's definition of this word is also different from the world's. The world says that rest is relaxation. Jesus told His follower's "Come to me all that are burdened and heavy laden and I will give you rest." This also is a passage that gives believer's trouble. On the surface it sounds very good, we come to Jesus and we will be free from burdens. Is that really what Jesus is saying here? The rest of that passage reads "My yoke is easy your burden is light." It has probably been generations since a lot of us had family that worked the land. This works to our disadvantage when trying to understand this passage. Many of us read the word yoke, but have no idea of the meaning. If you are familiar with yokes, you know that they can come to fit one animal, or many. Some of you might be familiar with yokes that fit two or more. If you are, you know that there is a particular order that you hook your animals in. You have a strong and a weaker. This means one of the animals is the lead animal. This is the point Jesus was trying to make. Notice in the passage He says "My yoke". That means you are harnessed to Jesus, and He is the lead. This is very hard for us, because control is something we relish in. Notice when we become "Christians" we say we are follower's of Jesus. Who is leading? If you are a practicing "Christian" you are following not leading. In what position are you in?

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