Wednesday, May 11, 2011

304th Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - Jesus and the "Cup" Con't.- Matthew 26: 39,42.

The reason Jesus shows reluctance to drink this cup, is because what it symbolized. The Cup holds all the sin committed from the time of Adam until Jesus comes again, at this time in the Garden of Gethsemane until now we are still waiting for Jesus' return. The sin is only half of what that Cup holds, it also holds God's righteous wrath due as a cost of those sins. This is something most Christians do not think about. Sins have consequences that are linked to those sins, and even if we are forgiven those sins, the consequences still remain. The Bible teaches that "The wages of sin is death". Even if we ask God to forgive all our sins, we still die. Death is the consequence of sin. In order to understand God's wrath, and how it works, you need a good understanding of the Old Testament. Most Christians do not like to read the Old Testament, because they say it is gory! There is a lot of gore in it that's true, but there is also a lot of love and forgiveness in there as well. It is through reading the Old Testament, that you start to understand why it takes God so long to pass judgment on the sinful people. God is hoping that the people come to their senses and ask God for forgiveness and change their ways. This is why it took so long for the Messiah to come the first time. We know what the "Cup" contains, now we are going to look at why Jesus was not looking forward to drinking it. In the next post.

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