Tuesday, May 24, 2011

310th Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - His Own Prayers Con't. - John 17: 4-5.

Jesus continued in His prayer that He had glorified God the Father, while He was on Earth. He did this by telling the people about God the Father, and performing miracles to show the people, that His words were true because God the Father was working in and through Him. The religious leaders of that time, instead of embracing Jesus as the Messiah, tried to turn the people away from Him, by saying that Jesus got His power from Satan! They rejected Jesus and His message. This is happening still today, we see, but don't understand, we hear but don't comprehend. Jesus, despite the opposition of His message, kept proclaiming the Gospel (good news) to everyone. Some people believed, these are the ones God has saved, and is still saving today. Jesus is now at the end of His earthly Ministry, and is asking the Father to keep his promise by glorifying Jesus, by raising Him from the dead, and seating Him at His Right Hand. When Jesus died on the cross, and He said "IT IS FINISHED"! Jesus had completed His task! He descended into hell as the conquering hero, not the beaten enemy to be punished some more. Jesus showed Himself to Satan, to show him, that Jesus had prevailed, Jesus took his power, and his future. Satan is still a being, not to be taken lightly. He will still cause you much pain and suffering. Think about that, when reading the sayings and miracles of Jesus. Jesus relieved suffering, and pain; not compounded it. Do you know this Jesus?? There is still time to come to Him!!

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