Saturday, May 14, 2011

308th Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - Jesus Prayers Con't. - John 17: 1-26 Continued.

The last part of verse 2 says that He should give eternal life to as many as God the Father had given Him. This seems to contradict what John 3:16 says, according to this passage all you have to do to earn eternal life is believe. This is not the end but the beginning, when you start to keep God's Word, you start to show fruits of your faith. This is important, faith starts with belief, but you must continue to walk with God, and adapting His words to your life. This is how you walk with God. Most people when they read John 3:16, do not pay attention to the word belief. They read this passage to mean "all people", because we are all part of the world. This is not what this passage says. Everyone is given the chance to believe because it was given to the whole world. You decide yourself if you are going to believe or not. According to this passage, God the Father puts you as a believer into Jesus' hand, and there you remain as long as you continue to believe. This is exactly what John 3:16 teaches. Only believers are saved! This is the truth. There is no contradiction between John 3:16, and John 17: 1-2. I hope this has made things clear, and not confused you. Verse 3 is as follows: And this eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. Will comment on these to verses next post.

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