Wednesday, May 11, 2011

305th Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't - The "Cup" Con't. - Matthew 26: 39, 42.

Jesus was reluctant to drink the cup because it contained sin and God's righteous wrath in it. Remember Jesus is God, and being God hates sin just as much as His Father, and being perfect would never have God's wrath aimed at Him. The Father demands the shedding of Blood, or there is no forgiveness! Jesus has to take on that sin and endure the wrath that is owed in order for us to have no "cost". Remember the consequences of sin in the last post. To have no cost, someone would have to pay for it. If the wrath had not been paid, it would still be owed, there would be a cost of our sin even now. Since God's wrath was also part of that "Cup", Jesus paid it all at once.
I hope you have a better understanding of what exactly Jesus was looking at, when He asked this prayer to His Father. Jesus ended His prayer with "Not My Will, But Yours be Done". How many of us when we ask God for something, forget to include this phrase? God is in control, and has always been in control, and will continue to be in control, even during the coming tribulation period. Jesus submitted to the Will of His Father, we also will have to submit to the will of Jesus, and when we do that we are submitting to the will of the Father. Jesus had to drink the "Cup", and all of it, in order to become our perfect sacrifice. The Propitiatory Sacrifice, for us.

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