Friday, May 20, 2011

309th Post Jesus On Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - John 17: 3 Con't.

Verse 3 of John 17 talks about eternal life. Remember that this was spoken on Maundy Thursday Night, before Jesus was to die and rise again. Jesus had not yet risen, and so He and the Father had only spoken about resurrection. Jesus through His talks with the disciples, the Father through His prophets, and His Word that had been written, at this time was limited to the Law and Prophets. The prophets had spoken about His rising from the dead, they had written, "He would not decay", Jesus Himself said He would be like Jonah. He raised Lazarus 4 days after being dead, and Martha said "Lazarus was beginning to smell". The Torah says to Moses at the burning bush "I AM the God of Abraham, Isacc and Jacob". The key word in that passage is the word of, if they were dead, God would have said "I Was"! The Bible clearly teaches life after death. The disciples were going to experience this first hand in a few short hours from now, less than a week later. They would see the risen Savior, and He will talk to them and eat before them. What all this means I will get into more detail as we follow Jesus to the cross and beyond, in this study.
Verse 4 & 5 in John 17: goes like this: I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.

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