Saturday, May 7, 2011

301st Post Jesus Promises to His Follower's Concerning Prayer Con't. - Matthew 26: 40 - 41.

Matthew 26: 40 - 41; Mark 14: 38; Luke 22: 46.
What? Could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
This was spoken by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane the night of His betrayal. Jesus has taken His most trusted disciples away from the rest and asked them to watch and pray with Jesus as He struggled with the "Cup". Jesus being God, knew what was going to happen, the disciples did not. To the disciples, it was just another "Passover" feast. They knew Jesus seemed to be acting strangely, but could not understand why. If you look at chapters 13 - 17 of John, Jesus was very concerned with them, and kept telling them that when He leaves to love one another. Then, here in the Garden, Jesus is reprimanding them for sleeping. This shows the stress, Jesus was under. Jesus totally understood what was about to happen. He asked His trusted disciples to watch and pray with Him, for support. The disciples could not understand what was happening, so they did not understand why Jesus was getting short with them. Later when most of these disciples face their own last moments on earth, will they understand why Jesus acted the way He did, and will have to remember that the time Jesus needed them the most, they failed Him. This is an important lesson, when someone asks you to watch and pray with them, in order for them to ask you that, they are dealing with something very serious. How will you react?

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