Wednesday, May 11, 2011

303rd Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - Matthew 26: 39,42.

Matthew 26: 39, 42; Mark 14: 36; Luke 22:42.
O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will. O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.
This was spoken by Jesus on the night just before He was to be betrayed. I believe that the significance of what this "Cup" symbolizes to Christians, has been minimized over the years, to something we read, and don't think much about. If Jesus chose not to drink this "Cup", things would be much different here, and follower's of Jesus would not exist! The Gospel of John, gives the most complete account of what happened on Maundy Thursday, starting with Chapter 13, and going to Chapter 18. Jesus talks about being Glorified, several times within those chapters, and speaks of completing the task as already finished. When Jesus gets to the Garden of Gethsemane, all of a sudden His manner changes. He leaves his disciples, takes a few of his closest disciples with Him and goes a little deeper into the Garden to Pray. Jesus is pleading with His Father to let this cup pass from Me. Why would He ask this? This Night and the following days are what Jesus was brought into the world to accomplish. Jesus had known this for some time. We will look into this why, in my next post.

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