Friday, May 13, 2011

306th Post Jesus Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - His Own Prayers Con't. - John 11: 41 - 42.

John 11: 41 - 42
Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me.
This was spoken by Jesus very late into His earthly Ministry, a week before Palm Sunday His Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem. The scene takes place at the burial place of Lazarus, just before Jesus raised him from the dead, after being dead 4 days. Jesus thanks His Father in Heaven for hearing Him, and then qualifies it by adding, I know You always hear Me. When you become a believer, you will always have the ear of God, the creator of Heaven and Earth and all that it holds! How great is that!! We have a God that never sleeps, takes a vacation, or goes out on break. He is always there with us. Then Jesus tells His Father that He is asking out loud, so that the people standing around might see and believe. Jesus spoke the words, so that we might have an account, and come to belief, just like the people who were actually there. How great is that, that we have a God who is interested in all aspects of our life and wants to be included in it. He is not a scary God, but a loving and just God. This is why He gave His Son to die for us for our sins, and there by reconciling us back to Him. The only way to be free from our sin guilt is to ask God for forgiveness. Are you ready yet?? Only you can make this decision. There is still time. Do it today!!

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