Thursday, May 3, 2012

505th Post Jesus Parables Con't. - Parable of the Wicked Tenants - Con't. Matthew 23: 33 - 40.

Matthew 23: 33 - 40; Mark 12: 1 - 11; Luke 20: 9 - 18; 2nd Post.
To understand this parable, you need to understand, this was spoken by Jesus right after His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  Jesus' popularity with the religious leaders was at an all time low.  They wanted to kill Jesus, but were not sure how to go about it.  The better you know the history of Israel, the better you will understand what Jesus was saying.  The vineyard represents Israel.  The landowner is God.  The vinedressers are the people in charge of Israel, both political and religious leaders.  The servants sent to collect what was owed, is represented by the prophets.  The son of the landowner is Jesus Christ the Messiah.  The number of servants sent, and the lack of retaliation on behalf of the landowner shows the mercy of the landowner and His reluctance to punish the vinedressers.  The vinedressers saw this mercy as an act of weakness.  I am running out of room again and will continue next post.       

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