Wednesday, May 16, 2012

513th Post Jesus Parables Con't. - Parable of the Ten Virgins Con't. - Matthew 25: 1 - 13; Con't 2nd Post

Matthew 25: 1 - 13; Parable Ten Virgins Con't. - 2nd Post.
Jesus told this parable to give us an idea what will happen in the Kingdom of Heaven.  This parable has many different parts, and could mean more than one thing.  We will try to address all of these parts and their meanings correctly.   The ten virgins represent believer's and how they react to Jesus' messages.  The  5 wise virgins are the ones who listened to all Jesus said and taught and took it to heart.  The 5 foolish virgins were the ones who heard all that Jesus said and taught and did not put into practice.  Are the foolish virgins, foolish only because they did not foresee the need for additional oil?  Or is this only one part of their foolishness.  Why did Jesus wait until this point of His Ministry to tell this parable and include it with His statements concerning End Times.  All of these things fit together, but not necessarily the way the disciples and the early Church interpreted them.  the succession of this parable and the succession of His talk to the disciples, need to be looked at together in order to unlock the true meaning of this parable.  I have run out of room for this post, so will continue next post.    

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