Saturday, May 19, 2012

517th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parable Con't. - Parable of the Ten Virgins Con't. - Matthew 25: 1- 13, Con't. - 6th Post.

Matthew 25: 1 - 13 Continued Parable of Ten Virgins 6th Post.
It is interesting the language Jesus used to tell the five foolish virgins they would not gain access inside.  Jesus said "I do not know you."  This phrase can be troublesome.  Does this mean "I never knew you?"  Or "I don't know you now?"  We won't know which is correct, until Jesus Comes, and we will all know the right answer.  The message I believe is very clear.  If we want to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, we must stay active in our pursuit of Jesus Christ, and His teachings.  We must be like the runner the Apostle Paul, talks about, we must finish the race completely, to win the prize.  We can not start strong, and then fade away.  I believe this is the warning Jesus was trying to make us understand in His various parables.  Jesus tells us today, the same message that He told His listener's;  "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."  Are you actively watching and waiting for Christ's Return??  You should be!!     

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