Thursday, May 24, 2012

521st Post Jesus Said in Parables Con't. - Parbles on Stewarship - New Section My Comments.

Parables on Stewardship New Section My Comments.
Jesus used parables to explain truths about the Kingdom of Heaven.  Most of His parables dealt with agriculture; this was because most of His followers still lived off the land, and would understand these stories.  Stewardship, deals with more than just harvesting crops.  Stewardship title covers the care of the land and the crops before and after they have been harvested to go to market, or to our barns.  Jesus used the phrase "the fields are ripe for harvest, but the workers are few."  Harvesting the crops, and harvesting converts is just part of what a Steward does.  It is our hope that you will also have a better understanding of all the the word Stewardship entails.  The Steward, is responsible for everything that is involved with crops.  That means, buying the right seed, the best quality of seed you could.  Making sure the land is prepared before the seed is sown; watering and fertilizing the crops, and weeding, keeping the crop safe from anything that will try to kill the crop.  Harvesting the crop at its peak of ripeness, to insure the best price at the market, Storing the crop until it is needed in a safe place.  Keep spoilage to a minimum.  Failure in any one of these areas, could be the difference between profit and loss.  Keep these things in mind as we look at Jesus' Parables concerning Stewardship.

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