Thursday, May 24, 2012

520th Post Jesus Said In Parables Con't. - Parable of the Foolish Rich Man Con't. - Luke 12: 16 - 21 Con't. 3rd Post.

Luke 12: 16 - 21; Parable of Foolish Rich Man Con't. 3rd Post.
Luke chapter 12 has Jesus warning the people of the Leaven of the Pharisees.  In the Bible, most times the word leaven is used is in a negative connotation.  This is no exception; to understand this parable, you need to try to understand why Jesus considered the teachings and actions of the Pharisees to be leaven, negative lessons to find the Kingdom of God.  Lets look at the Foolish Rich Man, for a minute.  The man looks to be very greedy and doesn't share his good fortune with the less fortunate.  The Pharisees, made their wealth obvious, and they always demanded the best seat at any function.  They looked down their noses on the less fortunate.  Notice that the Foolish Rich Man never once thought about sharing his crops with others, but built larger barns to hold his wealth.  The Parable ends with God demanding this man's soul that night, and though the man was rich in earthly wealth, Spiritually, he was sadly lacking.  You can live this way like the Rich Man, but will find yourself sadly lacking when you try to enter heaven.  You will be in or out of Heaven, a lot longer than you were on this earth.  There is still time to make a change, if you need to.

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