Saturday, May 26, 2012

523rd Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of Good and Bad Stewards Con't. Matthew 25: 14 - 30. 2nd Post.

Matthew 25: 14 - 30; Luke 19: 12 - 27. Parable Good and Bad Stewards Continued 2nd post.
Looking at where in Matthew this parable is found, you would think this parable deals with "End Times", and you would be right; so why was it not included in the section we just looked at that dealt with end times?  There is more to this parable than just handing out some goods, going on a long trip, and returning and handing out rewards and punishment.  As was stated in my comments introducing this section, this parable is quite complex.  We will break the parable down into sections, and look at those in more detail in up coming posts.  The parable opens with a man going on a long journey, and before leaving distributes his goods to his servants to take care of until his return.  Jesus is the man in this story, heaven is the destination of his journey, and He will return and ask his servants to return his goods.  Jesus has asked His servants to continue His work, in His absence.  The first servant received five talents, and by the time the Lord returned, he had added five more talents to the total.  The servant who received two, also was able to increase the amount of his talents also.
I will continue next post.  

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