Thursday, May 10, 2012

508th Post Jesus Parables Con't. - Parable of the Marriage Guest Ejected Con't. - Matthew 22: 2 - 14 - 2nd Post.

Matthew 22: 2 - 14; Parable of Marriage Guest Ejected - 2nd Post.
This parable is not the same as the account in Luke, there are a lot of similarities, but there are things mentioned in this account that are absent from the Luke account. First, Jesus starts this account in Matthew by saying the "Kingdom of Heaven is like..." Jesus was telling the listeners about what heaven will be like. The symbolism between the king arranging a marriage feast for his son and God, should be unmistakeable. The religious leaders did not understand the symbolism concerning the ones that were invited but were unwilling to come to the feast. The king sent out his servants again to try to get the invited guests to reconsider, and come to the feast. This was to show God's long suffering, and slowness to anger. The invited guests again made light of the invitation and continued on their way; one to his farm another to business. The rest seized the servants and treated them spitefully, and killed them. When the king heard about this he sent out his armies and destroyed the murderers and burned their city. Then the king told his servants to go out to the highways and gather all they could find to the wedding feast. They were to invite all they saw, regardless of their social standing, and whether they were good or bad, until the hall was filled with guests. I am running out of space and have yet to discuss the marriage guest that is ejected. Will discuss that on next post.

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