Friday, May 11, 2012

510th Post Jesus Parables Con't. Parable of the Marriage Guest Ejected Con't. - Matthew 22: 2 - 14- 4th Post.

Matthew 22: 2 - 14; 4th Post.  Why did Jesus Tell This Parable.
Jesus told this parable during the last week of His ministry, to explain the Kingdom of God, and His role in it.  The first invitees to the wedding feast, are the Jews, who were offered the Kingdom of God, and rejected it.  Sending the servants over and over to invite the guest to the wedding, represents God's prophets, and God's long suffering in trying to get them to be interested in it.  This also shows God's mercy, in not reacting to the anger their attitude and behavior caused Him.  The city that was burned and the inhabitants killed, represents Jerusalem, who has a long history of killing God's Prophets.  The king sending out the servants to the highways to look for new guests, represents the believer's of the New Testament, who believe if Jesus, God the Father and The Holy Spirit.  The Marriage Guest represents all who enter heaven, must be first counted as believer's as a group, and then individually, by the life they lived.  It takes more than good living, to get you into the Kingdom of God.  You must also believe the Jesus is the Son of God, and that He rose to save you from your sin.

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