Thursday, May 10, 2012

509th Post Jesus Parables Con't. - The Parable of the Marriage Guest Ejected Con't. - Matthew 22: 2 - 14 - 3rd Post.

Matthew 22: 2 - 14 Parable of Marriage Guest Ejected Con't. - 3rd Post.
I ran out of space in the last post before I could talk about the Marriage Guest Ejected.  Jesus already said that the servants had invited both good and bad people found on the highway to the feast.  Why then, would Jesus talk about a guest without the proper garment.  This is quite interesting, because the reason for this parable was to explain something about the Kingdom of Heaven.  Judgment is shown all throughout this parable.  The armies handed out judgment on the ones who killed the king's servants.  Judgment was handed out again, when new guests were invited to replace the original guests.  The final judgment will be made twice, once as a group, as shown in the first judgments handed out, and another judgment made when we are considered individually.  The marriage guest survived the first judgment, but failed to pass the second judgment based on his own merits.  To be counted as acceptable, you must believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior, and you must live your life by keeping all of His Commands.  This study has been an attempt to educate, and show you what is required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

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