Monday, June 7, 2010

79th Post Jesus Said about Eternal Life Con't - John 5: 24

John 5:24 This passage comes from the beginning of John toward the beginning of Jesus ministry.
Chapter 5 begins with the healing of the paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda healed on the Sabbath. The Jews plot to kill Jesus, Jesus tells them He gets His Authority from God the Father. Jesus is consistent in His defense of Himself whenever attacked. If anything His defense of Himself is getting stronger. This is the passage mentioned above: "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life." John 5:24. Jesus is speaking of the same things, He told Nicodemus in chapter 3 concerning rebirth. The message is not that difficult to understand, if you believe My words are true by the signs (miracles) I perform, then you know that I come from the Father (God); and you will have eternal life. This is the first step in rebirth of the Spirit. Just like natural birth is the start or our human life, Spitirual birth is the start of our eternal life. To understand this concept you would have to know Jesus parable of the seeds (Sower). Matthew 13:18-23; Mark 4:13-20; Luke 8: 11 - 15. In this parable the Sower throws his seed and it falls on all sorts of soil. The hearers heart is the soil, what kind of soil the hearer has depends on what he does with the seed. The second part of Spiritual rebirth is doing what you have heard. If you are doing this then your faith in Jesus is alive and depending on how you hear and how you are implementing what you hear, is how healthy your eternal life is. Only you and God know how you are doing. Look at your life, if you need to make some changes, there is still time to get right with God. He loves you and is waiting for you to come back.

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