Saturday, June 12, 2010

87th Post Jesus said on Per-Eminence of God Con't - Matthew 4: 4 ; Luke 4: 4

Matthew 4:4 It is written "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." By the location of this passage, you know that it is before Jesus actually started his earthly ministry. Jesus had been in the wilderness for forty days and nights, without food or water. Satan comes to Him and says "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread." Jesus answer is Mathew 4:4 listed above. Jesus was quoting the Old Testament Deuteronomy 8: 3. If you look Deuteronomy chapter 8, you will see that Moses was reprimanding the Children of Israel in the wilderness because of their grumbling concerning lack of food. This is how Satan works, he never comes to you when you are fresh, but when you are tired and hungry. Satan tempts Jesus human part with food, knowing He had not eaten for 40 days and nights. Unlike Adam, that gave into the temptation Jesus was strong enough to resist the devil and his offer. Jesus gave us a model to follow, when confronted by Satan, fight him with God's word. This is why the sword in our spiritual armor is the Word of God. Jesus used it and so should we.

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