Friday, June 11, 2010

85th Post Jesus Said on Eternal Life Con't. - John 8: 51

John 8:51 Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.
All of these Bible verses in this section titled Eternal Life all say the same thing. Jesus tells the people if they believe and keep His words they will never see death, but have eternal life. Death - which death was Jesus talking about? Before Jesus came and started His earthly ministry, believers in God would die and go to a place called Sheol. This is where both believers and non-believers would go, to await the Last Day. We know this from the teaching of Jesus, concerning the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. (Luke 16: 19 - 31). This teaching also agrees with what the Old Testament taught. In Sheol, God was not present, this is brought out in Jesus' parable because the rich man appeals to father Abraham and not God, for righteous ruling; and Abraham gives it. God is the judge, this teaching is consistent in both Old and New Testament teaching. Sheol is the Hebrew word for place of the dead, in Greek, the word is Hades. Hades in the Old Testament was a place for both good and bad to go; but in the New Testament only refers to where the bad dead go. I will go into this more in detail when I teach on Jesus Words from the cross. This is where the change in definition of Hades changes. This closes this section on Jesus Said concerning Eternal Life. The next section is entitled The Pre-eminence of God. Stay tuned.

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