Tuesday, June 15, 2010

95th Post Jesus Said on Deeds Rewarded Con't - Matthew 25: 31 - 46 2nd post of explanation.

As with all Prophecy, when exactly these things will happen and in what order are up for debate until they actually come to pass. Only after they actually happen, do we know exactly when and how. There are a lot of people out there ready to tell you they know exactly. What we know is that Jesus will come on the clouds of Heaven and arrive from the Eastern skies; He will be accompanied by His Angels, and the host of heaven. Notice all the questions Jesus asked the righteous, He never asked How was their attendance in Church, or how much money did you tithe to the Church. Look at the questions He asked. These are all acts of compassion, this is what Christianity is supposed to be all about. Jesus told His disciples over and over again, they will know you are My disciples because you love one another. Love is what Jesus taught us. Jesus taught that when you do for the least on earth, you do it unto Me. This is contrary from what the world teaches. The world teaches to cheat your neighbor first, before they have a chance to cheat you. How many people ask you for a ride somewhere? When they ask? How do you respond? Usually, when it is from God, it always costs you something. When people need help it is never convenient. This is how you know God has a hand in it. Look at the people, Jesus chose as examples, all of these people could not possibly pay you back, this was on purpose also. When we have a dinner party, who do we usually invite, people who can help you advance in your career, or will ask you over to their house for dinner.

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