Thursday, June 17, 2010

96th Post Jesus Said on Deeds Rewarded Con't - Matthew 25: 31- 46

The separation of sheep and goats, when will this happen? This corresponds with the White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20: 11 - 15. According to Revelation this will occur after the Millennium (1,000 year earthly reign of Christ), and the defeat of Satan. This is what the Bible says, there are many people that will tell you, the Millennium is just a figure of speech, and don't take it seriously. We are studying the words of Jesus as such, I take very seriously what Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount Speech "I did not come to do away with the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill, every dot of the (i) and every cross of the (t) will be fulfilled." (Matthew 5: 17 - 19) To me that is very strong language, and to discount whole books of the Old Testament, just because you can not fit it into your agenda is wrong. God Says "My Ways are not Ways" (Isaiah 55: 8). This is God' s Word His Plan and it should go His Way. It will Go God's Way whether you like it or Not!!

I think it is very dangerous, to say the the New Testament will be fulfilled figuratively. The Old Testament and New Testaments up to the end of the Gospels, were fulfilled literally. Jesus said "I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" (Revelation 1: 8) The beginning and the End. God has been consistent so far, why would He change in the end? Especially when He said "I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow".

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