Thursday, June 10, 2010

83rd Post Jesus Said on Eternal Life Con't. - John 6: 47

John 6: 47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.
This passage goes along with the previous post John 6: 40. Belief, is only possible if the Holy Spirit has decided to turn on the switch God has placed in each and every one of us before birth. It happens this way so that we as humans can not take responsibility for our coming to Christ. We have no grounds on which to boast. Belief is required first, then we are to start to walk according to God's Word. When we do this, our life starts to change. Your friends that you had before you accepted God will start to fall away, unless they also are walking according to God's Word. They may not go away quietly, but they will go away just the same. As your walk gets stronger in God's Word, you will find you have less and less in common with them; and maybe even feel uncomfortable, or even fight when you are with them. They have not changed, you have. Your priorities will change and your idea of what is fun or important will also change. It is at this time that you are liable to backslide. You start to become afraid of how you are changing. This is normal and you need to stay focused on God. You do this by attending Bible Study, and Church regularly. If you keep your eyes on the prize and persevere until the end you will have everlasting life. It is up to you.

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