Saturday, June 19, 2010

98th Post Jesus Said On Deeds Rewarded Con't. - Luke 14:12 - 14

Resurrection of the just. This opens the door for a separate resurrection, for the just, and one for the unjust. There is a lot of misunderstanding on this passage. I believe that this goes along with what happened with the thief on the cross. Jesus told the thief,"today you will be with Me in Paradise." Christians believe that when they die, they will go to be present with the Lord, in spirit, because their earthly bodies are what remain, when they die. They will be reunited with their resurrected eternal body at the second coming of Christ. Jesus will have more to say on this as we get further into Jesus' words in red. The believing departed dead spirits will be present with the Lord until He comes in the clouds, then we will be part of the Heavenly host coming back with Jesus and His Angels. The resurrected earthly bodies of the heavenly host who were human will be reunited with their spirits in the air, and will be joined by human believers who are not dead next. The people still alive will receive their resurrected bodies at this time. They will be caught up in the air and will come back down with Jesus as He sets foot on the Mount of Olives. We have not looked at other theories concerning this at this time. We will look at that that has Biblical support, not the ones that seem to be popular with no Bible Basis. We will discuss pre-trib rapture when we get to discussing the Olivet Discourse later in this study.

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