Saturday, June 12, 2010

89th Post Jesus on Pre-Eminence of God Con't - Matthew 4: 10; Luke 4: 8

Matthew 4:10; Luke 4: 8 For it is written, "You shall worship the Lord you God, and Him only you shall serve." This passage goes along with the two previous postings. Jesus is still in the wilderness when Satan comes to Him a third time. Satan took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. Satan said to Jesus, "All these things I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me." If Jesus would have fallen down and worshiped Satan, Jesus would have fallen just like Adam. Satan was trying to give all the wealth of the fallen world, by God's word Jesus had to buy back these things, this was accomplished on the cross when Jesus said "IT IS FINISHED". Jesus tells Satan "You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve." Deuteronomy 6:13. Again Jesus quotes The Old Testament to defeat Satan. If Jesus would have caved here, he would have gone down the road of the first Adam. Jesus would not let this happen, because if he failed, He would be telling Satan that He was on the same level with God. It is hard to say that Satan does not exist, when Jesus spent so much time dealing with and defeating him. One of Satan's best lies is the fact people don't believe he exists. This is where he gets his strength from. God is God, and God will not be mocked, no matter how hard Satan tries to do it.

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