Saturday, June 12, 2010

91st Post Jesus on Pre-Eminence of God Con't. - John 19:11

John 19:11 You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.
Jesus spoke these words to Pilate after Jesus was betrayed by Judas. Imagine you are Pilate, the most powerful Roman in Palestine, and a man brought to you bound utters the words written John 19:11. Pretty tough talk from someone in such a vulnerable position. This passage is included in the pre-eminence section because Jesus would not have been put into Pilate's hands without God's help. God allowed Satan to enter Judas and allow him to betray Jesus. Pilate being a Roman would not believe in any of this. The fact remains that God was and still is in control of the world. Then Jesus says that the ones who delivered Me to you has the greater sin. Jesus was talking about the religious leaders who had done this. Pilate is a difficult case. From the Bible accounts, he seems quite skiddish, unable to make up his mind. Historical accounts paint a completely different picture of him. Pilate was a highly ambitious and quite capable of great bloodshed in order to achieve his goals. This man ruled with a iron fist. How come the Bible shows him almost meek as a lamb. Pilate brought the statues of the Roman Gods and emperors and put them in the Temple Courtyard under the cover of darkness. This almost caused a riot, and news of this uprising reached all the way to Rome. Agustus told Pilate one more problem, and you will lose your position in Palestine. This may explain Pilate's reserved nature.

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