Wednesday, March 31, 2010
43rd Post Jesus Relationship with His Father Con't.
John 14: 9 - 11. This passage takes place late in Jesus earthly ministry, Jesus is talking to Philip and Philip asks to see the Father. To understand why Jesus seems to be troubled with Philip's request to see the Father you need to remember how Philip became a disciple, you will find that story John 1: 43. Philip is with Nathanael when Jesus called him. Nathanael says nothing good comes out of Nazareth, to which Philip says "come and see". Jesus had told the people over and over again that "If you have seen Me you have seen the Father". Now late in Jesus' ministry one of His own asks to see the Father. Jesus expected this from the people, but not one of His Own Followers. Jesus corrects Philip gently, by reminding him that Jesus has been teaching "I and the Father are one". If the Father were not in me I could not do the works you have been watching me do all this time. If you do not believe in Me at least believe the works that you have seen as a sign that I am who I say I am. If you are a new believer, or still trying to make up your mind, understand that the disciples were not completely on board with His teaching until Pentecost. The transformation started for many of them after the events of Easter Sunday. We are still very early in this book so have a lot of material to cover before we teach on Jesus' Passion and Resurrection. If you are looking for the truth, the truth is in the Bible continue to read it. If this blog helps you to understand, then keep reading it as well.
Monday, March 29, 2010
42nd Post Jesus Relationship with His Father - Con't
We will be discussing two passages in this post; John 10: 30, and John 14: 7.
John 10:30 says: "I and the Father are one." This was spoken toward the middle of His ministry, you notice that Jesus is still reminding the people that He (Jesus) and the Father (God) are one. Meaning that they both think the same way on everything. In order to grasp what was going on in Jesus mind in Gethsemane (posts 36 & 37), you need to remember this. Jesus supposed reluctance to drink the cup was not in disobedience to His Father, but just as the Father hated sin so did the Son. Jesus. The Father told the Son that He must drink the cup of wrath and sin in order for His earthly body to become sin for us. Jesus knew this was the only way He could save us so He became sin on our account in order to pay the price we needed to pay because the sin was ours. This occurred during the three hours Jesus was on the cross, from noon to three when the earth turned black or dark as night. God the Father DID NOT LEAVE JESUS DURING THIS TIME,
He (the Father) turned His back on Jesus, because He could not look at sin.(2 Corinthians 5: 21).
John 14: 7 talks about Jesus saying to the people, you rejected Me and in doing so rejected the Father who sent Me. He goes on to say that all you will know about the Father will be shown by Me. Look at Me and the way I live My life to get to know the ways of the Father.
John 10:30 says: "I and the Father are one." This was spoken toward the middle of His ministry, you notice that Jesus is still reminding the people that He (Jesus) and the Father (God) are one. Meaning that they both think the same way on everything. In order to grasp what was going on in Jesus mind in Gethsemane (posts 36 & 37), you need to remember this. Jesus supposed reluctance to drink the cup was not in disobedience to His Father, but just as the Father hated sin so did the Son. Jesus. The Father told the Son that He must drink the cup of wrath and sin in order for His earthly body to become sin for us. Jesus knew this was the only way He could save us so He became sin on our account in order to pay the price we needed to pay because the sin was ours. This occurred during the three hours Jesus was on the cross, from noon to three when the earth turned black or dark as night. God the Father DID NOT LEAVE JESUS DURING THIS TIME,
He (the Father) turned His back on Jesus, because He could not look at sin.(2 Corinthians 5: 21).
John 14: 7 talks about Jesus saying to the people, you rejected Me and in doing so rejected the Father who sent Me. He goes on to say that all you will know about the Father will be shown by Me. Look at Me and the way I live My life to get to know the ways of the Father.
41st Post Holy Week - Comments
We will NOT have class next Sunday because of Easter, spend that day after church with your family. We will re-connect with you the following Sunday. Continue to check the blog this week as I am still behind on posting what we have already covered. Hopefully I will get caught up this week.
Yesterday was Palm Sunday, if you do not know the significance of this day or why it is different from all other Sundays keep reading. Palm Sunday happened a week after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. This Lazarus is not the Lazarus in the parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus", Lazarus in the parable was poor and sick. This Lazarus was rich and living in Bethany a short distance from Jerusalem. This is very close to the end of Jesus' earthly ministry, the Sadducees and the Pharisees both wanted to kill Jesus. Right after Jesus raised Lazarus, He (Jesus) left Jerusalem and went into Trans-Jordan to escape the plots to kill Him. I will go into more detail regarding this when we cover this in our lesson. This is just a brief explanation of what happened. Palm Sunday was foretold by Daniel in his book in the later part of chapter 9. Daniel said that He would come into Jerusalem and present Himself at the Temple and that they would reject Him and He would leave. Jesus left through the Golden Gate. Jesus ride through Jerusalem on a donkey fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. On Good Friday during your quiet time read Psalms 22, 23 & 24, and the words from the cross. Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34; Luke 23:34; Luke 23: 46; John 19: 26; John 19: 27; John 19:28; and John 19: 30.
Yesterday was Palm Sunday, if you do not know the significance of this day or why it is different from all other Sundays keep reading. Palm Sunday happened a week after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. This Lazarus is not the Lazarus in the parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus", Lazarus in the parable was poor and sick. This Lazarus was rich and living in Bethany a short distance from Jerusalem. This is very close to the end of Jesus' earthly ministry, the Sadducees and the Pharisees both wanted to kill Jesus. Right after Jesus raised Lazarus, He (Jesus) left Jerusalem and went into Trans-Jordan to escape the plots to kill Him. I will go into more detail regarding this when we cover this in our lesson. This is just a brief explanation of what happened. Palm Sunday was foretold by Daniel in his book in the later part of chapter 9. Daniel said that He would come into Jerusalem and present Himself at the Temple and that they would reject Him and He would leave. Jesus left through the Golden Gate. Jesus ride through Jerusalem on a donkey fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. On Good Friday during your quiet time read Psalms 22, 23 & 24, and the words from the cross. Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34; Luke 23:34; Luke 23: 46; John 19: 26; John 19: 27; John 19:28; and John 19: 30.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
40th Post Jesus Relationship with His Father Con't - John 8: 54- 55.
In this passage Jesus is still explaining that He is honoring His Father by doing His will. Jesus keeps telling the people that He (Jesus) has been sent from the Father (God) and He (Jesus) knows Him (God). You don't know Him (God); if you did you would recognize Me as being from Him (God). Jesus says "It is My Father who honors Me." Jesus is reminding them that when He (Jesus) performs a miracle, God the Father is allowing Him to do it. It is interesting that the people for the most part, do not think Jesus is telling them the truth. They come to listen for whatever reason, but don't really take what Jesus is saying seriously. Are you in that group? All roads lead to the Cross, we have not yet in this study followed Jesus to the cross. At some point in your life, you will have to make a decision of where you stand about Jesus. Is Jesus the Son of God? Or is He a liar. No one can answer that question for you but you. You need to do business with God at some point and before you die. If you die and have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, then you will spend eternity away from God. That is the choice.
39th Post Jesus Relationship to His Father Con't - John 8:28-29
John 8: 28 -29, this passage deals with Jesus preparing his followers for His up coming suffering and death. The phrase lifted up has several meanings. It has a clear reference to the Old Testament where Moses lifted up a bronze image of a serpent on a pole in the wilderness (Numbers 21: 4 - 9.) In the Old Testament passage, God had Moses make a bronze image of a serpent, something they hated and they had to look to it for life. Now God again in the form of Jesus will use something they hate and they have to look and understand the meaning in order to have eternal life. Jesus used this image to foretell His up coming crucifixion. Not only is the word lifted up in this passage but also these words "then you will know that I AM HE". If you know the story of the crucifixion, you will remember a lot of things happened on that day that were unusual. Most had to do with nature, on that day, things were not normal. If you don't know the story you can find it in Matthew 27: 32- 56. Jesus is telling the people to listen to what He says and what He does, for these words and deeds point back to the Father (God) who sent Him. If the people just listened and remembered what Jesus said and did, they would become believers after Easter. It is hard not to take some one serious after they have risen from the dead. Many people did come to believe after Easter. What will it take for you to become a believer? Do you still question if Jesus really did die and rise again? These are the same questions we all have to answer ourselves. No one can believe for you, you have to make the decision all on your own. If this blog has helped you share it with others. I hope you continue to read this blog, but more important, that you keep studying The Bible His Word, to make sure I am telling you the truth.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
38th Post Jesus" Relationship with His Father "- John 5: 19 - 23
John 5: 19 - 23, were said before the passages discussed in posts 36 and 37. This passage comes after Jesus has healed a paralytic man at the pool of Bethesda by the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, on the Sabbath. The Jews were outraged by the fact that Jesus healed this man on the Sabbath. This is toward the beginning of Jesus' ministry and the two previous posts were toward the end of Jesus' ministry. The people are plotting to kill Jesus at this time, and are asking by whose authority do you do these things? Jesus tells the people that the Son can do nothing on His own, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son and shows Him (Jesus) all the things that He Himself (Father) does; and He (Father) will show Him (Jesus) greater works than these, that you may marvel. For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will. For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father (God) who sent Him (Jesus). Jesus is again here, telling the people that everything He does and says, comes from the Father (God). Then He adds judgment to the list. The Old Testament is clear that God the Father is the one Who will judge. Now Jesus says here that God the Father has passed that right onto Jesus. This is new, this goes completely against what the Jews taught in their Temple and in the Synagogues of Israel. YHWH, were the consonances only used in the spelling of their word for God. YHWH means YAHWEH He creates. YHWH seems to be singular in form so they thought of God in the singular here. This is one of the problems the Jews had in accepting Jesus as Son of God. The people of Nazareth thought they knew Jesus' parents, but they really knew only half of the union, Mary. Joseph was not the father of Jesus, he was Jesus step-father, earthly father. God was Jesus Father as Jesus has been stating.
37th Post Jesus Relationship with His Father - Con't.
Mark 14:36; Matthew 26: 39; and Luke 22:42, continued from previous blog post. We have been looking at Jesus in the Garden and His struggle with the cup. Jesus as God, knows that He has no choice in this matter. He (Jesus) must prevail in order to satisfy His Father's wishes. Now the Father is asking Jesus to become sin on our behalf to accomplish this. God the Father is asking Jesus to become something He can not even bear to look at. That is a tall request to ask let alone your own Son. Jesus also being God and feeling the same way about sin as His Father, has to actually become what His Father can not even look at!! Think about that. Jesus' love for us, is what gave Him the will to obey His Father's wishes. If Jesus did not drink of this cup, we would not be saved, and would still live under the consequences of the Law. Grace does not give us the power to turn completely away from the Law. The purpose of the Law was to point out sin, it still has that purpose today. The difference between believers and nonbelievers is that believers are forgiven!
John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He gave his only Son... That passage does not say only believers at the beginning, it says the world; in order to claim everlasting life you have to make a decision to believe or not. If you have been struggling with making a decision, or need further information on this, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you.
John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He gave his only Son... That passage does not say only believers at the beginning, it says the world; in order to claim everlasting life you have to make a decision to believe or not. If you have been struggling with making a decision, or need further information on this, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
36th Post Jesus Relationship with His Father -Mark 14:36
Mark 14:36, Matthew 26:39; and Luke 22:42; all deal with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane later in the evening of Maundy Thursday. This passage deals with Jesus asking His Father if it were possible to take "this cup" away from Me. This passage is written in simple language, but the meaning of what is happening here is far from simple. I will try to explain it here. First, you have to understand that Jesus had two natures; He was 100% God and 100% man, at the same time. The cup represents two different things also; to God the Father it represents justice (through the Law), and the consequences for breaking that Law. This has been called wrath, this is the justice due for breaking the Law. To Jesus (still God) and the man part of Him, the cup represents all the sins committed from the Garden of Eden, up to and including His Life on earth; including all of the sins committed by man (and woman) until He comes again. That is a lot of sin. God provided payment for this, one time and one time only. Jesus is in the Garden asking God if it were possible for Him not to complete this task. Earlier in this blog we have been looking at the passages that say I have not come here on my own but do the works of My Father that sent Me. If He doesn't complete this task, His earthly coming would have been in vane and the devil would win another round. God is more powerful than the devil, so this could not happen. And yet, here we have Jesus asking for the very reason He came to earth to be removed from Him. Jesus is struggling here with what to do. Just like us, Jesus had to confess the sins of others, others because He had no sin to confess. We on the other hand have much to confess or we will be held accountable for that sin unless we confess it and ask for forgiveness. It is easier for us to confess our sins, because we are the ones who committed them and for that reason we own our sin. In Jesus' case, He was sinless, and had to confess our sins as His Own, because He was sinless He had to become the sins on our behalf; in order to pay for our sins. The cup represents our sins and Jesus had to drink it in order to fully pay for our sins. I will have to continue this on next blog. Stay tuned....
Thursday, March 18, 2010
35th Post Comments on this part of our study Jesus' Authority.
Our class meets for two hours each week, and you would think in that much time, we could finish our Bible passages we are to study, and thoroughly exhaust each discussion on the Bible passages.
This is far from the case, what we find is that the two hour time slot rushes by, and things come up that need explaining, I say I will put in the blog, but I can't seem to find a place to fit them in. These go without explanation, and people think I have forgotten about their questions. This is not always the case, I do confess that I suffer from short term memory loss, and this can be a problem.
In one of our meetings, the word Shechinah came up. Those who have had my class in the past or know me, spelling is not one of my strong suits. I told them that I would find the correct spelling of this word and put in my blog. Now I can't very well give you the correct spelling and not tell you what this word means. Shechinah comes from the Hebrew, and means visible presence of God. This was the word used in the Old Testament to describe the pilar of smoke and the pilar of fire that led the Israelites in the wilderness, this same word is used to describe the cloud on the Mount of Transfiguration. We have talked about this but have not studied it yet in this blog. I will have to write down words that I need to post in the future, and I will try to share them in this blog in a more timely fashion. Thanks to all of you who are reading this blog. I hope it is informative and helps you build a stronger relationship with God. God Bless You.
This is far from the case, what we find is that the two hour time slot rushes by, and things come up that need explaining, I say I will put in the blog, but I can't seem to find a place to fit them in. These go without explanation, and people think I have forgotten about their questions. This is not always the case, I do confess that I suffer from short term memory loss, and this can be a problem.
In one of our meetings, the word Shechinah came up. Those who have had my class in the past or know me, spelling is not one of my strong suits. I told them that I would find the correct spelling of this word and put in my blog. Now I can't very well give you the correct spelling and not tell you what this word means. Shechinah comes from the Hebrew, and means visible presence of God. This was the word used in the Old Testament to describe the pilar of smoke and the pilar of fire that led the Israelites in the wilderness, this same word is used to describe the cloud on the Mount of Transfiguration. We have talked about this but have not studied it yet in this blog. I will have to write down words that I need to post in the future, and I will try to share them in this blog in a more timely fashion. Thanks to all of you who are reading this blog. I hope it is informative and helps you build a stronger relationship with God. God Bless You.
34th Post Jesus Authority Con't - John 13:20
This passage takes place on Maundy Thursday (the night of Jesus Last Supper with His disciples before Jesus was betrayed). The time period of this passage is after the washing of the disciples feet and before Jesus tells the disciples that one of their own would betray Him. It is fitting, that we should find this passage here, and in the upper room. Jesus' earthly ministry is coming to a close and He is passing the mantle or authority on to His disciples. Remember Jesus is 100% God and 100% man; during His many passages concerning His Authority, that we have looked at here, Jesus provided us with a chain of comand. His Godly comand starts with the Father, goes through Him, and He then sends the Holy Spirit. We have not discussed the Holy Spirit much yet, but we will do so as Jesus continues to tell us about Himself in this study based on the words of Jesus. Jesus had a chain of authority for His human side as well. If you look back you will find that Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist and not in the Temple (the Jews did not believe in baptising Jews, because they were part of the chosen people.) Like the Old Testament, when the Jews drifted away from God, God would raise up a prophet to redirect the people back to God. This was John the Baptist's job to redirect the the people not only back to God, but to announce that the Jewish Messiah had finally arrived and introduced Him to the World. Jesus has almost completed His earthly ministry and before He does, he also has to pass his authority on to His disciples. His disciples, which on this night prove not to be the powerful force for God, they were intended to be. They become that force through the help of the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Godhead, but not the least as we will find out through our further study of Jesus in His Words. This completes the study of Jesus Authority, we will be looking at Jesus relationship with His Father in our next segment.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
33rd Post Jesus Authority Con't - John 12: 44 - 45
Jesus again in this passage, says "when you believe in Me, you believe not in Me but in the Father. And he who sees Me, sees the Father that sent Me." This goes along with the rest of the passages we have looked at so far. Jesus is telling the people again, that He is not here on His own but was sent by His Father to do the works of the Father. Jesus is establishing His power and authority are all linked to the Father God. The proof of this is in the fact Jesus performs miracles to show He is sent by God. The next time you are reading the Bible and come across Jesus performing a miracle, what does He do before He performs the miracle? He prays to His Father before He does the miracle and He prays thanking God for allowing Him to perform that miracle when He is done. Jesus is God in His own right, why would He do this? To confirm what Jesus has been saying that Jesus is here to do the will of His Father and not His own Will. It was very hard for the people living at the time of Jesus to believe and understand all the things Jesus Said. It seems that we also have those same questions and doubts. If you have doubts, I hope you will continue to read this blog along with your Bible; you need to keep reading your Bible in any case because it is the Word of God. God speaks through His Word, you need to learn more about God. God is a God of order, and Jesus is establishing that order through His Ministry. This is the same order that the Apostles will follow after Jesus leaves and goes back to Heaven.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
32nd Post Jesus Authority Con't - John 10: 34-38.
This passage is typical of John, printed in simple language, but the concepts are anything but simple. This fact fools a lot of readers, they read the words but don't understand the concepts. By taking this passage apart and looking at the ideas, we get a better understanding of what Jesus was really trying to say. The Church leaders did not recognize Jesus as Lord (God). Jesus was trying to show them that the Law they received from Moses is the exact same teachings that He Himself is using. Both Laws are the same and came from God. Moses prophesied about a Redeemer coming to deliver them. For this reason, the Church leaders should accept Jesus and His words. This did not happen. Jesus was trying to tell them that He (Jesus) is that Redeemer, Moses talked about. This is what Jesus was alluding to when He used the word Sanctified. The word sanctified means set apart. The Father sent Him and sanctified Him and sent Him into the world. Jesus went on to say if you do not believe me, believe the works that I do; because they prove what I am telling you is true. I can not do these miracles without help from the Father. The fact that God the Father is allowing Jesus to perform the miracles shows that what Jesus is saying is true.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
31st Post Jesus Authority Con't. - John 10: 34 - 38
Jesus by stating that they were gods was reminding them who gave them the Scriptures. God gave the Scriptures to Moses who in turn gave them to the people. This was a concept my Sunday night class had some trouble understanding. Not this part about God giving it (the Law) to Moses and then giving it to the people; but the part concerning the people to be gods. If you look at the passages I gave in my last post and then add Genesis Chapter Six and Job Chapter One, you will see the term sons of God used. In Genesis Chapter 6, "the sons of God and the daughters of men" is the passage in question. If you look at Genesis Chapter 6 with Genesis Chapter 3, you will remember that God made a distinction between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. If you keep that in mind, you will be able to unlock Genesis Chapter 6 quite easily. The sons of God would be the sons of the seed of the woman; and the daughters of men would be the daughters of the seed of the serpent. Now it gets a little more sticky when we look at the Job Chapter One account. If you pay attention to where this scene takes place, you will be able to unlock this passage as well. The sons of God are in the presence of God in the Throne Room of God. This can only be in Heaven. We learned from Moses that no man can see God the Father's face and live. If these were men, they would have to be dead, if they were dead they would have been in Sheol, not Heaven. Explaining Sheol took some time, in class. If you think about Jesus' parable about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). You will realize that Sheol housed both the good and the bad, with a large crevasse that separates the two groups. This is where the dead would have gone in the Old Testament, and not into the presence of God. So, if these sons of God were not men, then who are they?? They would have to be Angels. And that is exactly who they are.
30th Post Jesus' Authority Con't -John 10: 34 - 38
This passage is hard to understand for us and for the Jews that first heard these words of Jesus. Jesus told them that in their Law God called them "gods". Notice the small "g" and not a capital "G". Not everyone living at the time of Jesus had access to written Scriptures, like we do now, so they could not run to their copies and check what Jesus said. When you hear something you can not always tell if the word is in capitals or not. What Jesus was telling them that in Genesis chapter 2 when God was deciding to make man, God said "Let us make man in our image". This means we would have similar characteristics of God, but we were not God. Genesis chapter 3 God makes the distinction between the seed of the serpent, and the seed of the woman. Those that did not have a heart for God, but did evil against man and God would be from the seed of the serpent. Those who had a heart for God and treated both man and God righteously would be from the seed of the woman. Notice that Jesus became human from Mary only, the seed of the woman. If Jesus would have been born of Joseph, Jesus would have inherited the sinful nature passed on to him from Adam. This is a very important point to understand. Mary gave Jesus His Humanly attributes, but without sin. This is how Jesus could be 100% God and 100% man and not have any sin. Women, you must understand that because you were not made a partner in the sin of Adam you seem to have gotten the bulk of the curses that God gave to Eve.
If you are honest with yourself, you would have to agree that God passed out punishment to man and woman equally. I have run out of post for this passage, but stay tuned for next post.
If you are honest with yourself, you would have to agree that God passed out punishment to man and woman equally. I have run out of post for this passage, but stay tuned for next post.
Monday, March 8, 2010
29th Post His Authority Con't - John10:25
This is a on going theme Jesus has been telling the people, He is sent from the Father God, and the Father allows Him to do miracles as proof of who He is and where He comes from. The people see the miracles but still don't believe Jesus is who He says He is. This is the exact same decision we have to make today. Is Jesus telling us a lie? Or is He telling us the truth? No one can answer these questions for you, you must come to your own conclusion. If you are a believer, the proof seems overwhelming, if you don't believe, your doubt seems insurmountable. This is why Jesus said He would become a stumbling block to people. If you are truly seeking the truth, God through His Holy Spirit will make the truth known to you. Ask God to reveal the truth to you and He will do it. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and heard Jesus teaching in the Temple. This was very early in Jesus' ministry, not all the disciples had been called by Jesus to follow Him. Jesus had performed miracles in the Sea of Galilee area which is about 50 miles or so from Jerusalem. Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night to ask Him further questions. Nicodemus proves that he believes that God is with Jesus, because he admits this to Jesus. Somehow, Nicodemus knows about the miracles and knows that no man could perform them without God being with Him. Nicodemus was confronted with Jesus Christ just like you and just like you he had to make a decision concerning Jesus. Was He God or a fraud? Like Nicodemus you must decide and no one can make that decision for you. The Story of Nicodemus is found in John chapter 3, check it out and decide for yourself.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
28th Post His Authority Continued - John 8: 14 - 19
This passage seems to contradict what Jesus said in John 7: 28 - 29. What we found out in our study of prophecy was that God's Word, the Bible can not contradict itself; when we believe that the Bible does this, it is our understanding of the Bible that is the problem not God's Word. The same holds here. If you re-read my previous post, you will see that I opened the door for this line of thought. Jesus said that "you know where I came from..." I went on to say that not all that heard Jesus believed this. This is what Jesus is addressing here. Jesus went on to say that if I witness of myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going. Jesus is trying to say, I know I came from Heaven and the Father, for this reason my testimony is true. You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. Jesus is saying that you are flesh (human), and as a human you will judge according to your human nature. Jesus said I do not judge. Jesus was making the point that you are human and not capable of understanding the things of God. This is why faith is required, you judge based on your human understanding and you do not know the ways of God. Jesus is saying that He being God would also judge according to God's understanding, and not man's. Jesus goes on to say that His judgment is true; for I am not alone. God the Father would back up His judgment. Then Jesus said it is also written in you law that the testimony of two men is true. Where did the Jews get their law from? It was given by God through Moses. You are still following this law, because you still believe in two witnesses. We will go into this in more detail during Jesus trial, that will come up much later in this study.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
27th Post - Jesus Said about His Authority con't. John 7: 28-29
This passage as you find it in the New King James Version John 7: 28 - 29 is as follows:
You both know Me, and you know where I am from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know. But I know Him, for I am from Him, and He sent Me.
Jesus is telling His audience that they know Jesus, and where He is from, Heaven and God the Father. Jesus did not come on His own, but came because He was sent by the Father, and His actions and words are true. God the Father you do not know.
Jesus is saying that the people have accepted His coming from Heaven. You would only believe this if you believe that Jesus is who He says He is. I don't think everyone listening to Him believed that Jesus came from Heaven. This is the same problem we have today, when faced with Jesus; we have to decide if Jesus is who He says He is or He is an imposter. If you agree that Jesus came from Heaven, then you have to accept that Jesus is not acting on His own but doing the work of His Father. You know the words and actions of the Father are true because you have learned about Him through the Bible. The Bible is the only way of knowing the Father, since He is Spirit and is invisible. Jesus is also telling you about the Father by doing the works of the Father.
You both know Me, and you know where I am from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know. But I know Him, for I am from Him, and He sent Me.
Jesus is telling His audience that they know Jesus, and where He is from, Heaven and God the Father. Jesus did not come on His own, but came because He was sent by the Father, and His actions and words are true. God the Father you do not know.
Jesus is saying that the people have accepted His coming from Heaven. You would only believe this if you believe that Jesus is who He says He is. I don't think everyone listening to Him believed that Jesus came from Heaven. This is the same problem we have today, when faced with Jesus; we have to decide if Jesus is who He says He is or He is an imposter. If you agree that Jesus came from Heaven, then you have to accept that Jesus is not acting on His own but doing the work of His Father. You know the words and actions of the Father are true because you have learned about Him through the Bible. The Bible is the only way of knowing the Father, since He is Spirit and is invisible. Jesus is also telling you about the Father by doing the works of the Father.
26th Post - His Authority Con't - John 7: 16 - 18 Con't
I ran out of space explaining doctrine that I could not comment on the rest of this passage. Jesus has been explaining that He can not act on His own but does the will of His Father that sent Him. The proof of His obedience is shown in the miracles Jesus performs. Jesus says that if anyone wills to do His (the Father's) will, He shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on my own authority. He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him. This passage goes along with what I said in the previous post. God gave Moses and Jesus the exact same doctrine; the religious leaders should have recognized this and accepted Jesus. The leaders doctrine had not changed, it was their interpretation of the doctrine that changed; this is why they could not recognize Jesus as who He was. This happened when Jesus came the first time and it is happening again. How many Christians are going to miss Jesus when He comes again, because they are failing to read and understand the signs? The Bible prophesied that this would happen. Jesus said that you can separate the true from the false by seeing who gets the glory. If God is the focus of the glory than it is correct. If the person bringing the message is getting the glory, then the glory is for himself. Jesus said that the doctrine is the measuring stick. The doctrine is still the measuring stick and it is the Bible. If you hold to its teachings by reading it everyday and not depending on someone else to tell you what it says; you will be able to separate the good from the false.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
25th Post - Jesus Authority Con't - John 7:16-18.
This passage starts out with the words my doctrine; what does the word doctrine mean? The definition is as follows, what is taught by a church the official governmental policy, what the people that hold to this teaching believe. It is interesting that Jesus would use this type of wording here. It seems He is telling the people that My Words and Teachings come from the same source as those taught in the Temple, but My doctrine is Mine; which opens the door for speculation that His doctrine maybe a little different on some points. How is this possible? The Temple teaches the Law handed down by God to Moses at Mount Sinai. Jesus has been saying that His teaching is not His, but the One who sent Him namely God the Father. Both messages originate from God, how can they be different? They should not be, however man being not perfect had changed the meaning of the Law to satisfy his ability to live according to the Law. The Sadducees and Pharisees should have been the first ones to recognize Jesus as the Messiah the Son of God, but they did not. Why not? They had grown comfortable in their interpretation of the Torah and in the day to day running of their lives. Just like the prophets of the Old Testament God raised up to put the people on the right track again. God sent Jesus, Jesus met the same resistance the prophets had incountered and ultimately paid the same price. However, Jesus' death was not the same. God had demanded justice for Adam's sin back in the Garden of Eden, when Adam brought sin into the world. Jesus being without sin, became sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corithians 5: 21). This is why God sent Jesus into the world, He had to be God to be strong enough to with stand the devil's temptation. Adam being totaly man could not stand up to satan, this is why the Messiah had to have two natures. Man and God, only one person fits this bill and that is Jesus Christ the Son of God. Only you can decide if Jesus is who He said He was, or was not.
Monday, March 1, 2010
24th Post - His Authority con't - John 5: 30 - 38.
This passage continues with Jesus saying that He can not do anything on His own but does the will of His Father that sent Him. Jesus does judge, His judgment is righteous because He does not seek His own will but the will of My Father who sent Me. The last several Bible passages were along this same line. Jesus is establishing the fact that Jesus does the will of His Father and the Father allows Jesus to perform miracles as proof that God is with Him; and that they are in agreement on everything Jesus does, because He (Jesus) is God's Son. Jesus is trying to tell the people that He is not like them and acts the way He does because He has to answer to His Father. Jesus goes on to say that if He bears witness to Himself (Jesus) His witness would not be true. There is another who bears witness to Me, and I know that the witness He says is True. Then Jesus says you (the people) sent to John (the Baptist), and he has borne witness to the truth. Here Jesus says that John the Baptist also declared witness to the truth. Jesus goes on to say yet I do not receive testimony from man, but I say these things that you might be saved. Jesus is telling the people here that He has the power to forgive sins. The Jews believe that God alone has the power to forgive sins. For this to be true, Jesus would have to be God. They could not believe this. Jesus said if you can not believe Me, believe the works that I do, because I could not do them with out the help of God. The miracles are the proof of what I say. The people could not believe that Jesus was who He said he was and could not believe that the miracles He (Jesus) performed were done in the Will of God. They continued to live in their unbelief. Jesus tells them the truth and yet they do not believe it. How many of you are reading this and feel that Jesus is not who He said He is? This question is the same now as it was then. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Lord of Lords. Only you can answer this question.
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