Wednesday, March 10, 2010

30th Post Jesus' Authority Con't -John 10: 34 - 38

This passage is hard to understand for us and for the Jews that first heard these words of Jesus. Jesus told them that in their Law God called them "gods". Notice the small "g" and not a capital "G". Not everyone living at the time of Jesus had access to written Scriptures, like we do now, so they could not run to their copies and check what Jesus said. When you hear something you can not always tell if the word is in capitals or not. What Jesus was telling them that in Genesis chapter 2 when God was deciding to make man, God said "Let us make man in our image". This means we would have similar characteristics of God, but we were not God. Genesis chapter 3 God makes the distinction between the seed of the serpent, and the seed of the woman. Those that did not have a heart for God, but did evil against man and God would be from the seed of the serpent. Those who had a heart for God and treated both man and God righteously would be from the seed of the woman. Notice that Jesus became human from Mary only, the seed of the woman. If Jesus would have been born of Joseph, Jesus would have inherited the sinful nature passed on to him from Adam. This is a very important point to understand. Mary gave Jesus His Humanly attributes, but without sin. This is how Jesus could be 100% God and 100% man and not have any sin. Women, you must understand that because you were not made a partner in the sin of Adam you seem to have gotten the bulk of the curses that God gave to Eve.
If you are honest with yourself, you would have to agree that God passed out punishment to man and woman equally. I have run out of post for this passage, but stay tuned for next post.

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