Wednesday, March 10, 2010

31st Post Jesus Authority Con't. - John 10: 34 - 38

Jesus by stating that they were gods was reminding them who gave them the Scriptures. God gave the Scriptures to Moses who in turn gave them to the people. This was a concept my Sunday night class had some trouble understanding. Not this part about God giving it (the Law) to Moses and then giving it to the people; but the part concerning the people to be gods. If you look at the passages I gave in my last post and then add Genesis Chapter Six and Job Chapter One, you will see the term sons of God used. In Genesis Chapter 6, "the sons of God and the daughters of men" is the passage in question. If you look at Genesis Chapter 6 with Genesis Chapter 3, you will remember that God made a distinction between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. If you keep that in mind, you will be able to unlock Genesis Chapter 6 quite easily. The sons of God would be the sons of the seed of the woman; and the daughters of men would be the daughters of the seed of the serpent. Now it gets a little more sticky when we look at the Job Chapter One account. If you pay attention to where this scene takes place, you will be able to unlock this passage as well. The sons of God are in the presence of God in the Throne Room of God. This can only be in Heaven. We learned from Moses that no man can see God the Father's face and live. If these were men, they would have to be dead, if they were dead they would have been in Sheol, not Heaven. Explaining Sheol took some time, in class. If you think about Jesus' parable about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). You will realize that Sheol housed both the good and the bad, with a large crevasse that separates the two groups. This is where the dead would have gone in the Old Testament, and not into the presence of God. So, if these sons of God were not men, then who are they?? They would have to be Angels. And that is exactly who they are.

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