Monday, March 29, 2010

41st Post Holy Week - Comments

We will NOT have class next Sunday because of Easter, spend that day after church with your family. We will re-connect with you the following Sunday. Continue to check the blog this week as I am still behind on posting what we have already covered. Hopefully I will get caught up this week.

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, if you do not know the significance of this day or why it is different from all other Sundays keep reading. Palm Sunday happened a week after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. This Lazarus is not the Lazarus in the parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus", Lazarus in the parable was poor and sick. This Lazarus was rich and living in Bethany a short distance from Jerusalem. This is very close to the end of Jesus' earthly ministry, the Sadducees and the Pharisees both wanted to kill Jesus. Right after Jesus raised Lazarus, He (Jesus) left Jerusalem and went into Trans-Jordan to escape the plots to kill Him. I will go into more detail regarding this when we cover this in our lesson. This is just a brief explanation of what happened. Palm Sunday was foretold by Daniel in his book in the later part of chapter 9. Daniel said that He would come into Jerusalem and present Himself at the Temple and that they would reject Him and He would leave. Jesus left through the Golden Gate. Jesus ride through Jerusalem on a donkey fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. On Good Friday during your quiet time read Psalms 22, 23 & 24, and the words from the cross. Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34; Luke 23:34; Luke 23: 46; John 19: 26; John 19: 27; John 19:28; and John 19: 30.

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