Wednesday, March 3, 2010

25th Post - Jesus Authority Con't - John 7:16-18.

This passage starts out with the words my doctrine; what does the word doctrine mean? The definition is as follows, what is taught by a church the official governmental policy, what the people that hold to this teaching believe. It is interesting that Jesus would use this type of wording here. It seems He is telling the people that My Words and Teachings come from the same source as those taught in the Temple, but My doctrine is Mine; which opens the door for speculation that His doctrine maybe a little different on some points. How is this possible? The Temple teaches the Law handed down by God to Moses at Mount Sinai. Jesus has been saying that His teaching is not His, but the One who sent Him namely God the Father. Both messages originate from God, how can they be different? They should not be, however man being not perfect had changed the meaning of the Law to satisfy his ability to live according to the Law. The Sadducees and Pharisees should have been the first ones to recognize Jesus as the Messiah the Son of God, but they did not. Why not? They had grown comfortable in their interpretation of the Torah and in the day to day running of their lives. Just like the prophets of the Old Testament God raised up to put the people on the right track again. God sent Jesus, Jesus met the same resistance the prophets had incountered and ultimately paid the same price. However, Jesus' death was not the same. God had demanded justice for Adam's sin back in the Garden of Eden, when Adam brought sin into the world. Jesus being without sin, became sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corithians 5: 21). This is why God sent Jesus into the world, He had to be God to be strong enough to with stand the devil's temptation. Adam being totaly man could not stand up to satan, this is why the Messiah had to have two natures. Man and God, only one person fits this bill and that is Jesus Christ the Son of God. Only you can decide if Jesus is who He said He was, or was not.

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