Wednesday, March 31, 2010

43rd Post Jesus Relationship with His Father Con't.

John 14: 9 - 11. This passage takes place late in Jesus earthly ministry, Jesus is talking to Philip and Philip asks to see the Father. To understand why Jesus seems to be troubled with Philip's request to see the Father you need to remember how Philip became a disciple, you will find that story John 1: 43. Philip is with Nathanael when Jesus called him. Nathanael says nothing good comes out of Nazareth, to which Philip says "come and see". Jesus had told the people over and over again that "If you have seen Me you have seen the Father". Now late in Jesus' ministry one of His own asks to see the Father. Jesus expected this from the people, but not one of His Own Followers. Jesus corrects Philip gently, by reminding him that Jesus has been teaching "I and the Father are one". If the Father were not in me I could not do the works you have been watching me do all this time. If you do not believe in Me at least believe the works that you have seen as a sign that I am who I say I am. If you are a new believer, or still trying to make up your mind, understand that the disciples were not completely on board with His teaching until Pentecost. The transformation started for many of them after the events of Easter Sunday. We are still very early in this book so have a lot of material to cover before we teach on Jesus' Passion and Resurrection. If you are looking for the truth, the truth is in the Bible continue to read it. If this blog helps you to understand, then keep reading it as well.

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