Monday, March 8, 2010

29th Post His Authority Con't - John10:25

This is a on going theme Jesus has been telling the people, He is sent from the Father God, and the Father allows Him to do miracles as proof of who He is and where He comes from. The people see the miracles but still don't believe Jesus is who He says He is. This is the exact same decision we have to make today. Is Jesus telling us a lie? Or is He telling us the truth? No one can answer these questions for you, you must come to your own conclusion. If you are a believer, the proof seems overwhelming, if you don't believe, your doubt seems insurmountable. This is why Jesus said He would become a stumbling block to people. If you are truly seeking the truth, God through His Holy Spirit will make the truth known to you. Ask God to reveal the truth to you and He will do it. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and heard Jesus teaching in the Temple. This was very early in Jesus' ministry, not all the disciples had been called by Jesus to follow Him. Jesus had performed miracles in the Sea of Galilee area which is about 50 miles or so from Jerusalem. Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night to ask Him further questions. Nicodemus proves that he believes that God is with Jesus, because he admits this to Jesus. Somehow, Nicodemus knows about the miracles and knows that no man could perform them without God being with Him. Nicodemus was confronted with Jesus Christ just like you and just like you he had to make a decision concerning Jesus. Was He God or a fraud? Like Nicodemus you must decide and no one can make that decision for you. The Story of Nicodemus is found in John chapter 3, check it out and decide for yourself.

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