Tuesday, March 23, 2010

39th Post Jesus Relationship to His Father Con't - John 8:28-29

John 8: 28 -29, this passage deals with Jesus preparing his followers for His up coming suffering and death. The phrase lifted up has several meanings. It has a clear reference to the Old Testament where Moses lifted up a bronze image of a serpent on a pole in the wilderness (Numbers 21: 4 - 9.) In the Old Testament passage, God had Moses make a bronze image of a serpent, something they hated and they had to look to it for life. Now God again in the form of Jesus will use something they hate and they have to look and understand the meaning in order to have eternal life. Jesus used this image to foretell His up coming crucifixion. Not only is the word lifted up in this passage but also these words "then you will know that I AM HE". If you know the story of the crucifixion, you will remember a lot of things happened on that day that were unusual. Most had to do with nature, on that day, things were not normal. If you don't know the story you can find it in Matthew 27: 32- 56. Jesus is telling the people to listen to what He says and what He does, for these words and deeds point back to the Father (God) who sent Him. If the people just listened and remembered what Jesus said and did, they would become believers after Easter. It is hard not to take some one serious after they have risen from the dead. Many people did come to believe after Easter. What will it take for you to become a believer? Do you still question if Jesus really did die and rise again? These are the same questions we all have to answer ourselves. No one can believe for you, you have to make the decision all on your own. If this blog has helped you share it with others. I hope you continue to read this blog, but more important, that you keep studying The Bible His Word, to make sure I am telling you the truth.

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